Best Businesses To Start From Home As A Beginner in 2024

Best Businesses To Start From Home As A Beginner in 2024

Discover how to leverage AI to start scalable and profitable businesses from home, turning creativity into income.

Jul 8, 2024
Discover how to leverage AI to start scalable and profitable businesses from home, turning creativity into income.
Discover how to leverage AI to start scalable and profitable businesses from home, turning creativity into income.
  • Use Case: Starting profitable AI-enhanced businesses from home, including digital downloads, print-on-demand, and affiliate marketing.
  • Tool: Mid-Journey, Canva, Etsy, Amazon KDP, Printify, Pinterest, ChatGPT.
  • Time for Learning: Approximately 60 minutes per business model.

Video preview


This video explores five AI-powered businesses that can be easily started from home with minimal costs. These include selling digital downloads on Etsy, creating books for Amazon KDP, affiliate marketing on Pinterest, selling print-on-demand products, and becoming a content creator. Each business model is scalable and has the potential to generate significant income. The video provides practical examples and detailed steps on how to get started, emphasizing the ease of use and profitability of AI tools like Mid-Journey and ChatGPT.

Bear’s take

Leveraging AI for starting a business is a brilliant way to accelerate content production and make it profitable. This video highlights some excellent ideas like drop-shipping digital downloads, joining the Pinterest affiliate program, and other creative ways to utilize AI. It’s a must-watch for anyone looking to replace their 9-to-5 with a home-based venture. 🚀

What you’ll learn

In this video, you’ll learn how to start five different AI-powered businesses from home. The guide covers selling digital products like printable wall art on Etsy using Mid-Journey AI for image generation, and creating medium-content books for Amazon KDP with ChatGPT and Canva. It also delves into affiliate marketing on Pinterest, offering tips on how to choose a niche, create appealing pins using Canva, and generate affiliate links. Additionally, you’ll learn about selling print-on-demand products through platforms like Printify, and the basics of becoming a content creator to monetize your audience through various channels. Each section provides a clear roadmap to set up and grow these businesses efficiently.

Key steps

  1. Selling Digital Downloads on Etsy:
      • Use Mid-Journey to generate high-quality digital art.
      • Research top-selling items on Etsy for inspiration.
      • Create and edit images in Canva or Photoshop.
      • List your products on Etsy with attractive mock-ups.
  1. Creating Books for Amazon KDP:
      • Use ChatGPT to generate book content.
      • Create illustrations using Mid-Journey.
      • Compile the book in Canva and upload to Amazon KDP.
  1. Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest:
      • Choose a profitable niche.
      • Create a business account on Pinterest.
      • Generate affiliate links from Amazon Associates, Impact, or ClickBank.
      • Design and post visually appealing pins on Pinterest.
  1. Selling Print-On-Demand Products:
      • Research popular products and designs on Etsy.
      • Use Mid-Journey to create product designs.
      • Upload designs to Printify and list on Etsy.
      • Printify handles production and shipping.
  1. Becoming a Content Creator:
      • Choose a niche you are passionate about.
      • Use free tools like iMovie, Canva, or DaVinci Resolve to create content.
      • Be consistent in uploading and engaging with your audience.
      • Monetize through ads, sponsorships, affiliate links, or selling your own products.

Next step

  • Choose the business model that resonates most with your skills and interests.
  • Set up the necessary accounts and tools for your chosen business.
  • Start creating and listing your products or content.
  • Consistently engage with your audience and refine your offerings based on feedback.

Links or resource


  • 用例: 从家中开始盈利的AI增强业务,包括数字下载(digital downloads)、按需印刷(print-on-demand)和联盟营销(affiliate marketing)。
  • 工具: Mid-Journey、Canva、Etsy、Amazon KDP、Printify、Pinterest、ChatGPT。
  • 学习时间: 每种商业模式约60分钟。


该视频探讨了五种可以在家中轻松启动的AI驱动业务,成本极低。这些业务包括在Etsy上出售数字下载、为Amazon KDP创建书籍、在Pinterest上进行联盟营销、销售按需印刷产品以及成为内容创作者。每种商业模式都是可扩展的,并且具有产生可观收入的潜力。视频提供了实际例子和详细步骤,说明如何开始,强调了Mid-Journey和ChatGPT等AI工具的易用性和盈利能力。

Bear 的看法



在此视频中,你将学习如何从家中开始五种不同的AI驱动业务。指南涵盖了使用Mid-Journey AI生成图像在Etsy上销售数字产品,如可打印的墙面艺术,以及使用ChatGPT和Canva为Amazon KDP创建中等内容的书籍。它还深入探讨了Pinterest上的联盟营销,提供了如何选择利基市场、使用Canva创建吸引人的图片以及生成联盟链接的技巧。此外,你将了解通过Printify等平台销售按需印刷产品,以及成为内容创作者的基本知识,通过各种渠道将受众变现。每个部分都提供了建立和发展这些业务的明确路线图。


  1. 在Etsy上销售数字下载:
      • 使用Mid-Journey生成高质量的数字艺术品。
      • 研究Etsy上的畅销商品以获取灵感。
      • 在Canva或Photoshop中创建和编辑图片。
      • 用吸引人的模型图在Etsy上列出你的产品。
  1. 为Amazon KDP创建书籍:
      • 使用ChatGPT生成书籍内容。
      • 使用Mid-Journey创建插图。
      • 在Canva中编排书籍并上传到Amazon KDP。
  1. 在Pinterest上进行联盟营销:
      • 选择一个有利可图的利基市场。
      • 在Pinterest上创建商业账户。
      • 从Amazon Associates、Impact或ClickBank生成联盟链接。
      • 在Pinterest上设计并发布视觉吸引力强的图片。
  1. 销售按需印刷产品:
      • 研究Etsy上的热门产品和设计。
      • 使用Mid-Journey创建产品设计。
      • 将设计上传到Printify并列在Etsy上。
      • Printify负责生产和运输。
  1. 成为内容创作者:
      • 选择你感兴趣的利基市场。
      • 使用免费工具如iMovie、Canva或DaVinci Resolve创建内容。
      • 持续上传并与观众互动。
      • 通过广告、赞助、联盟链接或销售自己的产品变现。


  • 选择与你的技能和兴趣最契合的商业模式。
  • 为你选择的业务设置必要的账户和工具。
  • 开始创建和列出你的产品或内容。
  • 持续与受众互动,并根据反馈改进你的产品。

Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
Check my learnings at Bearwith.AI, and subscribe to my newsletter for more awesome AI tips: newsletter.bearwith.AI 🐻 & 🤖