Bear who?

Hi there! I’m Bear, a Product Designer, a Design Mentor, and an Apple Award-Winning Podcast Host. I’m exploring how to use AI on our daily life. If you are interested in it, we could be friends 🙂

Bear at work

  • Product Designer at Xero
  • Design Mentor at CareerFoundry & Springboard
  • Conference Speaker at UX New Zealand, Macworld, IxD China
  • Previous worked at Vodafone (Senior UX Designer), Les Mills (UX/UI Designer)
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🗺️ My journey as an AI learner

I began my AI journey in early 2023. The initial months were thrilling and productive, but soon, the rapid pace of the AI world became overwhelming.
But now I've figured it out. Imagine AI knowledge is like a river. This river flows fast and wide, much like the rapidly growing AI industry. We live nearby, but we can't catch every drop of water from it. Instead, we should take enough to benefit us. That's already a great gain.
Just live next to the river and don't ignore its existence.
Where do I start?
Start here, and start now.

My journey as a designer, podcaster and book author

You could find my story on my personal blog here