BEST AI Dubbing | ElevenLabs

BEST AI Dubbing | ElevenLabs

Learn how to effortlessly dub your videos into multiple languages using AI to reach a global audience.

Jul 2, 2024
Learn how to effortlessly dub your videos into multiple languages using AI to reach a global audience.
Learn how to effortlessly dub your videos into multiple languages using AI to reach a global audience.
  • Use Case: Translating and dubbing videos into multiple languages to expand audience reach.
  • Tool: ElevenLabs AI.
  • Time for Learning: Approximately 20 minutes.

Video preview


This video tutorial by Kevin demonstrates how to use ElevenLabs AI to translate and dub your videos into various languages. By following a few simple steps, you can make your content accessible to a wider audience without needing to learn new languages. The video covers signing up for the free plan, selecting source and target languages, uploading your video, and fine-tuning settings for the best results. This tool is especially useful for content creators looking to expand their reach globally.

Bear’s take

This is a great tip for content creators. With AI, you can now dub your videos into multiple languages, making your content accessible to a global audience. Although it might sound a bit odd in some languages, it's a fantastic way to bridge the language gap without needing separate channels. Plus, it's super easy to use. Keep in mind, though, that YouTube might introduce a similar feature soon, which could streamline this process even further. 🌐

What you’ll learn

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use ElevenLabs AI to dub your videos into different languages, making them accessible to a broader audience. The guide walks you through the process of setting up an account, selecting source and target languages, and uploading your video for dubbing. You’ll also learn about various advanced settings, such as adjusting the number of speakers and video resolution, and how to download the final dubbed video. This process is straightforward and can be a game-changer for content creators who want to reach non-English speaking viewers without managing multiple YouTube channels.

Key steps

  1. Sign Up:
      • Go to the ElevenLabs website and sign up for the free plan.
  1. Select Dubbing Option:
      • Navigate to the dubbing section and create a new dub.
  1. Input Details:
      • Enter a title, select the source language, and choose the target language.
  1. Upload Video:
      • Upload your video from your PC or a social platform.
  1. Adjust Settings:
      • Set the number of speakers, video resolution, and any specific time range for dubbing.
  1. Create Dub:
      • Click the create button and review the dubbed video.
  1. Download:
      • Download the dubbed video in your desired resolution.

Next step

  • Try dubbing your most popular videos into multiple languages.
  • Explore other features of ElevenLabs AI to enhance your content.
  • Engage with your new audience by asking for feedback on the dubbed content.

Links or resource

• 使用场景: 将视频翻译和配音成多种语言,以扩大观众覆盖面。 • 工具: ElevenLabs AI。 • 学习时间: 大约20分钟。
在Kevin的视频教程中,你将学习如何使用ElevenLabs AI将视频翻译并配音成多种语言。通过几个简单的步骤,你可以让更多的观众看到你的内容,而无需学习新的语言。视频内容包括注册免费账户、选择源语言和目标语言、上传视频以及调整设置以获得最佳效果。对于想要扩大全球影响力的内容创作者来说,这个工具非常实用。
在本教程中,你将学习如何使用ElevenLabs AI将你的视频配音成不同的语言,使它们能被更广泛的观众看到。指南会引导你完成设置账户、选择源语言和目标语言以及上传视频进行配音的过程。你还将了解各种高级设置,如调整说话人数和视频分辨率,以及如何下载最终配音的视频。这个过程简单易行,对于想要吸引非英语观众的内容创作者来说,是一个改变游戏规则的方法。
1. 注册: • 访问ElevenLabs网站并注册免费计划。 2. 选择配音选项: • 导航到配音部分并创建一个新的配音项目。 3. 输入详细信息: • 输入标题,选择源语言,并选择目标语言。 4. 上传视频: • 从你的电脑或社交平台上传视频。 5. 调整设置: • 设置说话人数、视频分辨率以及任何特定的配音时间范围。 6. 创建配音: • 点击创建按钮并审查配音后的视频。 7. 下载: • 下载你希望分辨率的配音视频。
• 尝试将你最受欢迎的视频配音成多种语言。 • 探索ElevenLabs AI的其他功能以增强你的内容。 • 通过向新观众征求对配音内容的反馈来与他们互动。
• ElevenLabs AI