Effortlessly Generate and Organize AI-Driven Social Media Posts

Effortlessly Generate and Organize AI-Driven Social Media Posts

Learn how to automate your social media content creation process using AI tools, ensuring you generate quality posts and visuals with minimal effort.

Aug 19, 2024
Learn how to automate your social media content creation process using AI tools, ensuring you generate quality posts and visuals with minimal effort.
Learn how to automate your social media content creation process using AI tools, ensuring you generate quality posts and visuals with minimal effort.
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  • Use Case: Automating the creation and management of social media content using AI, including posts and images.
  • Tool: Make.com, Perplexity AI, GPT (via ChatGPT), DALL-E 3, and Google Docs.
  • Time for Learning: 15-20 minutes.


This video guides you through setting up an automated social media content creation system using AI tools like Make.com, Perplexity AI, and GPTs. The workflow starts with a trigger (such as a Slack message), which then fetches and summarizes relevant content via Perplexity AI. This summary is used to generate optimized posts for various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using specialized GPTs. DALL-E 3 generates custom images tailored to each platform's requirements. The final output can be reviewed and edited in Google Docs before manual posting or can be set to post automatically. This method offers a practical approach to managing social media content creation, while still allowing for personal input and final approval.

Bear's Take

This workflow is a fantastic way to streamline your social media management using AI, especially if you're juggling multiple platforms. While I love the automation and the time it saves, I’m cautious about relying entirely on AI-generated content without adding my personal touch. Fortunately, this method doesn’t post automatically, giving you the final say on what goes out. It’s a great blend of automation and control, perfect for building your social media presence without losing authenticity. 🐻

What You’ll Learn

You’ll learn how to automate the process of creating social media content using AI. The video walks you through using Make.com to set up an automation that triggers from a Slack message or Google Doc input. It then uses Perplexity AI to summarize the content, which is passed to GPTs specifically trained for different platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Each GPT generates a platform-optimized post, and DALL-E 3 creates a custom image for the post, considering the specific dimensions required by each platform. Finally, the content is compiled into a Google Doc for your review and potential edits before posting. This approach ensures that your social media content is both high-quality and tailored to the specific platform, all with minimal manual effort.

Key Steps

  1. Set Up Make.com Account: Start by creating an account on Make.com and integrating the necessary AI tools like Perplexity AI and GPTs.
  1. Choose Your Trigger: Decide whether your trigger will be a Slack message, Google Doc, or another platform.
  1. Summarize Content: Use Perplexity AI to summarize a given article or URL.
  1. Generate Social Media Posts: Utilize specialized GPTs to create optimized posts for LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  1. Create Custom Images: Use DALL-E 3 to generate images tailored to the specific dimensions required by each social media platform.
  1. Review and Edit: Compile the generated content into a Google Doc, where you can make final edits before posting.
  1. Publish or Save: Decide whether to post directly to social media or save the content in Google Docs for later use.

Next Step

  • Test the workflow on a small project to familiarize yourself with the tools.
  • Customize the GPTs with your own tone and style to ensure the content reflects your brand.
  • Explore additional automation possibilities, such as incorporating more social media platforms or using different content triggers.

Links or Resources