How to Use AI to Turn Vocabulary into Stories for Kids

How to Use AI to Turn Vocabulary into Stories for Kids

How to use AI and ChatGPT to create personalized stories from your child's vocabulary list

Jul 3, 2024
How to use AI and ChatGPT to create personalized stories from your child's vocabulary list.
How to use AI and ChatGPT to create personalized stories from your child's vocabulary list. 了解如何使用AI和ChatGPT从您孩子的词汇表中创建个性化故事。

Video preview
In this video, I demonstrate how to use ChatGPT Pro to create personalized stories using your child's vocabulary list. By taking a photo of your child's heart words sheet and sending it to ChatGPT, you can generate a unique story that includes all the words. I show you how to simplify the story, create cartoonish images, and compile everything into a Google Doc for easy reading and learning. This method makes learning fun and engaging for kids!
Prompts I used:
This is my daughter's hard words she needs to remember. Could you use those words to make a short story, include all the words. Cheers.
Simplify it to the minimum length.

在这个视频中,我演示了如何使用ChatGPT Pro通过您孩子的词汇表来创建个性化的故事。您只需拍摄孩子的重要词汇表的照片并将其发送给ChatGPT,就可以生成一个包含所有词汇的独特故事。我会展示如何将故事简化、制作卡通图片,并将所有内容整理到Google文档中,以便于阅读和学习。这种方法让孩子的学习变得超级有趣!
原始生词表 vs AI生成的故事:
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