The Best Language Learning Apps (and Why Most Don’t Work)

The Best Language Learning Apps (and Why Most Don’t Work)

Discover the most effective language learning apps and strategies to become fluent in 2024 with practical and engaging tools.

Aug 6, 2024
Discover the most effective language learning apps and strategies to become fluent in 2024 with practical and engaging tools.
Discover the most effective language learning apps and strategies to become fluent in 2024 with practical and engaging tools.
  • Use Case: Learning new languages efficiently using a combination of top-rated apps.
  • Tool: Duolingo, Language Transfer, Pimsleur, Anki, Glossika, HelloTalk, Preply, BeeLingua, Podcasts, Google Translate.
  • Time for Learning: Varies by method; typically, 20 minutes to several hours per week.

Video preview


This video is a comprehensive guide to the best language learning apps and methods, providing personal insights from the creator who learned multiple languages fluently without ever living abroad. The creator emphasizes that no single app can teach you a language fully, but combining the strengths of different apps can lead to rapid and effective learning. The video covers various tools, including Duolingo for beginners, Language Transfer and Pimsleur for audio-based learning, Anki for vocabulary building, and platforms like HelloTalk and Preply for conversational practice. The creator also highlights the importance of practical application and consistency in the learning process.

Bear’s take

This video is gold for my English campaign. Be sure to check and note things in detail. I agree with most of his points. For anyone learning a new language, getting instant feedback from another person is crucial. Make sure to practice in a safe yet challenging environment to enhance your fluency and confidence. 🌟

What you’ll learn

In this detailed tutorial, you'll explore a variety of language learning methods and tools, ranked for their effectiveness, cost, and ease of use. The video breaks down the strengths and weaknesses of popular apps like Duolingo, which is great for beginners, and emphasizes the importance of combining different methods for a well-rounded learning experience. You'll learn about the benefits of audio-based learning through apps like Language Transfer and Pimsleur, and the advantages of using Anki for vocabulary retention.
The video also covers advanced methods like using Glossika for auditory flashcard practice and the importance of speaking with native speakers through platforms like HelloTalk and Preply. For those looking to improve their reading skills, BeeLingua offers parallel texts in multiple languages. Additionally, the video suggests practical tips for integrating language learning into your daily routine, such as listening to podcasts and using Google Translate for on-the-go translations and practice.

Key steps

  1. Identify Your Learning Goals: Determine your fluency goals and the timeline for achieving them.
  1. Choose the Right Tools: Start with beginner-friendly apps like Duolingo and gradually incorporate more advanced tools like Pimsleur and Anki.
  1. Combine Methods: Use a mix of audio, visual, and conversational practice to enhance your learning experience.
  1. Practice Consistently: Dedicate regular time to study and practice, aiming for at least 20 minutes daily.
  1. Seek Feedback: Engage with native speakers through language exchange platforms to get real-time corrections and improve your conversational skills.

Next step

  • Try different apps and methods mentioned in the video to see which ones work best for you.
  • Join language exchange communities like HelloTalk to practice speaking and get feedback from native speakers.
  • Use Google Translate's voice-to-text feature to keep track of new vocabulary and phrases you encounter.

Links or resource

  • 使用案例: 利用顶级应用程序高效学习新语言。
  • 工具: Duolingo, Language Transfer, Pimsleur, Anki, Glossika, HelloTalk, Preply, BeeLingua, Podcasts, Google Translate。
  • 学习时间: 每周学习时间因方法不同而异,通常为20分钟到数小时。


这段视频是对最佳语言学习应用程序和方法的全面指南,提供了创作者的个人见解,他无需出国便能流利掌握多种语言。创作者强调,没有单一的应用程序可以完全教会你一门语言,但结合不同应用程序的优点可以实现快速有效的学习。视频涵盖了各种工具,包括适合初学者的Duolingo、适合音频学习的Language Transfer和Pimsleur、用于词汇构建的Anki,以及像HelloTalk和Preply这样的对话练习平台。创作者还强调了实践应用和学习过程中一致性的重要性。




在这个详细的教程中,你将探索各种语言学习方法和工具,并按其有效性、成本和易用性进行排名。视频详细分析了流行应用程序的优缺点,如适合初学者的Duolingo,并强调了结合不同方法以获得全面学习体验的重要性。你将了解通过Language Transfer和Pimsleur等应用进行音频学习的好处,以及使用Anki进行词汇记忆的优势。
视频还介绍了使用Glossika进行听觉闪卡练习的重要性,以及通过HelloTalk和Preply等平台与母语者交谈的好处。对于那些希望提高阅读技能的人,BeeLingua提供了多种语言的对照文本。此外,视频还提供了一些实用技巧,将语言学习融入日常生活,如听播客和使用Google Translate进行即时翻译和练习。


  1. 确定你的学习目标: 确定你的流利目标和实现这些目标的时间表。
  1. 选择合适的工具: 从适合初学者的应用程序如Duolingo开始,逐渐结合更高级的工具如Pimsleur和Anki。
  1. 结合方法: 使用音频、视觉和对话练习的混合方法来增强你的学习体验。
  1. 坚持不懈地练习: 定期花时间学习和练习,每天至少20分钟。
  1. 寻求反馈: 通过语言交换平台与母语者交流,获取实时纠正并提高你的会话技能。


  • 试试视频中提到的不同应用程序和方法,看看哪些最适合你。
  • 加入像HelloTalk这样的语言交换社区,与母语者练习口语并获得反馈。
  • 使用Google Translate的语音转文字功能记录你遇到的新词汇和短语。