Claude 3.5 Sonnet Projects Tutorial: NEXT LEVEL AI Programming!

Claude 3.5 Sonnet Projects Tutorial: NEXT LEVEL AI Programming!

How to create a Flappy Bird boss battle game using Claude 3.5's Projects feature, even with minimal coding experience.

Jul 18, 2024
How to create a Flappy Bird boss battle game using Claude 3.5's Projects feature, even with minimal coding experience.
How to create a Flappy Bird boss battle game using Claude 3.5's Projects feature, even with minimal coding experience.
  • Use Case: Using Claude 3.5's Projects feature to develop a Flappy Bird boss battle game.
  • Tool: Claude 3.5 Sonnet Projects feature
  • Time for Learning: Approximately 3-4 hours to complete a basic game development project.
Video preview


This video demonstrates the capabilities of Claude 3.5's Projects feature through the development of a Flappy Bird boss battle game. The tutorial walks you through setting up a project, adding custom instructions, uploading assets, and coding the game mechanics. The video highlights how Claude 3.5 can handle various tasks such as implementing game mechanics, creating AI opponents, and integrating graphics and sound effects. This feature allows users, even those with minimal coding background, to develop complex projects efficiently.

Bear’s take

Natural language to make a game in less than an hour! This is really crazy. I also saw people on X using Claude to develop a Chrome extension without coding background. This Projects feature from Claude is a game-changer for anyone looking to streamline their workflow and collaborate efficiently on mid-sized projects. I’ll definitely keep an eye on this and try it for my personal or work projects. 🚀

What you’ll learn

You'll learn how to use Claude 3.5's Projects feature to create a Flappy Bird boss battle game from scratch. The video provides a detailed walkthrough of setting up a project, defining custom instructions for the AI, and uploading necessary assets like sprites and sound effects. You'll also see how to develop game mechanics, create AI opponents, and implement a user interface. The tutorial emphasizes the ease of using Claude 3.5 to manage and reference project files, making it a powerful tool for both beginners and experienced developers. Additionally, the video shows how to integrate coding features, debugging, and making the game more engaging with music and sound effects.

Key steps

  1. Set Up Project: Create a new project in Claude 3.5 and define the project goals and custom instructions for the AI.
  1. Upload Assets: Add necessary assets such as images, text files, and music to the project.
  1. Develop Game Mechanics: Use prompts to guide Claude in developing the game mechanics, including player controls and AI behavior.
  1. Implement Graphics and Sound: Integrate sprites and sound effects to enhance the game experience.
  1. Debug and Test: Continuously test the game and debug any issues to ensure smooth gameplay.
  1. Update Project Knowledge: Regularly update the project with the latest code and assets to maintain an organized knowledge base.

Next step

  • Experiment with creating your own project in Claude 3.5 to see how it can enhance your workflow.
  • Explore additional features and capabilities of Claude 3.5 to optimize your project development process.
  • Consider using the Projects feature for various applications beyond game development, such as building web extensions or managing research projects.

Links or resource

  • - Sponsor for learning programming and coding basics.

Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
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Claude 3.5 Sonnet Projects 教程:进阶AI编程!

即使你几乎没有编码经验,也能使用Claude 3.5的Projects功能创建一个Flappy Bird Boss战游戏。
  • 使用场景: 使用Claude 3.5的Projects功能开发Flappy Bird Boss战游戏。
  • 工具: Claude 3.5 Sonnet Projects功能
  • 学习时间: 大约3-4小时完成一个基础的游戏开发项目。


这段视频展示了如何通过开发Flappy Bird Boss战游戏来展示Claude 3.5 Projects功能的强大。教程详细讲解了如何设置项目、添加自定义指令、上传资源和编写游戏机制。视频强调了Claude 3.5在实现游戏机制、创建AI对手、整合图形和声音效果等方面的能力。即使是没有编码背景的用户,也可以高效地利用这个功能开发复杂项目。




你将学会如何使用Claude 3.5的Projects功能,从零开始创建Flappy Bird Boss战游戏。视频详细讲解了如何设置项目、为AI定义自定义指令、上传必要的资源(如精灵图和音效)。你还会学到如何开发游戏机制、创建AI对手并实现用户界面。教程强调了使用Claude 3.5管理和引用项目文件的简便性,使其成为初学者和经验丰富的开发人员的强大工具。视频还展示了如何整合编码功能、调试游戏,并通过音乐和音效增强游戏体验。


  1. 设置项目: 在Claude 3.5中创建新项目,定义项目目标和AI自定义指令。
  1. 上传资源: 向项目添加必要的资源,如图像、文本文件和音乐。
  1. 开发游戏机制: 使用提示指导Claude开发游戏机制,包括玩家控制和AI行为。
  1. 实现图形和声音: 整合精灵图和音效,以增强游戏体验。
  1. 调试和测试: 不断测试游戏并调试问题,确保游戏流畅运行。
  1. 更新项目知识: 定期更新项目中的最新代码和资源,保持知识库的有序。


  • 尝试在Claude 3.5中创建自己的项目,看看它如何提升你的工作流程。
  • 探索Claude 3.5的其他功能和能力,以优化你的项目开发过程。
  • 考虑将Projects功能应用于游戏开发以外的其他领域,如构建网页扩展或管理研究项目。
