Config 2024: Unlocking opportunities: building your brand with side projects (Matt D. Smith)

Config 2024: Unlocking opportunities: building your brand with side projects (Matt D. Smith)

How pursuing side projects can unlock new career opportunities and personal growth, even amidst challenges.

Aug 12, 2024
How pursuing side projects can unlock new career opportunities and personal growth, even amidst challenges.
How pursuing side projects can unlock new career opportunities and personal growth, even amidst challenges.
  • Use Case: Inspiring individuals to pursue side projects to fuel personal and professional growth.
  • Tool: Personal creativity and initiative, leveraging side projects for skill development and career opportunities.
  • Time for Learning: Approximately 20 minutes.

Video preview


This inspiring video emphasizes the transformative power of side projects in a designer’s career. Through personal anecdotes and examples, the video highlights how side projects can fuel creativity, open doors to new opportunities, and contribute to personal and professional growth. The journey of side projects is presented as a roller coaster of emotions and challenges, but ultimately rewarding. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to embrace failure and pursue their passions, as side projects can lead to significant and unexpected career advancements.

Bear’s take

I like the style of this presentation—both simple and visually appealing. The story of the Max 100 project is really inspiring. It makes me think about how I can format my own side projects in a productive way. It’s not directly about AI, but it’s so inspiring that it’s definitely worth consuming! 🌟

What you’ll learn

You'll learn about the significant impact side projects can have on your career and personal development. The video shares real-life examples, like Matt Stevens’ Max 100 project, which led to a collaboration with Nike, and the creation of the float label pattern that became widely adopted in web design. These stories illustrate how side projects, even those that start small or seem insignificant, can lead to major career opportunities and industry recognition.
The video also covers the emotional journey of side projects, including the challenges and failures that are part of the process. It emphasizes that failure is an invaluable part of the journey, providing lessons and resilience that contribute to long-term success. Ultimately, the video encourages viewers to take on side projects, embrace the possibility of failure, and recognize the potential for these projects to change their world.

Key steps

  1. Identify a Side Project: Choose a project that excites you, whether it's a new idea, a skill you want to learn, or a solution to a problem.
  1. Dedicate Time and Effort: Commit to working on your side project outside of your regular job, using your free time effectively.
  1. Embrace the Journey: Be prepared for ups and downs, and view failures as learning opportunities.
  1. Share Your Work: Publish your progress and results online to gain feedback, recognition, and new opportunities.
  1. Iterate and Improve: Continuously refine your project based on feedback and personal insights.
  1. Leverage New Skills: Use the skills and experiences gained from your side project to advance your career and personal growth.

Next step

  • Start Your Own Side Project: Identify a passion project and begin working on it, no matter how small it seems.
  • Share Your Progress: Post your work on platforms like Dribbble, GitHub, or personal blogs to gain visibility.
  • Network with Others: Connect with like-minded individuals and potential collaborators who share your interests.
  • Reflect and Iterate: Regularly evaluate your progress and make adjustments to improve your project and learning outcomes.

Links or resource