Custom GPT for Business to Automate ANY repetitive task!

Custom GPT for Business to Automate ANY repetitive task!

Learn how to automate tedious business tasks using custom GPTs, saving time and enhancing productivity.

Jul 24, 2024
Learn how to automate tedious business tasks using custom GPTs, saving time and enhancing productivity.
Learn how to automate tedious business tasks using custom GPTs, saving time and enhancing productivity.
  • Use Case: Automating repetitive business tasks like summarizing meeting notes, generating SEO keywords, and crafting project proposals.
  • Tool: Custom GPT creation using ChatGPT Pro features.
  • Time for Learning: 30-60 minutes to understand and start implementing the use case.

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Roman Martins' tutorial demonstrates how to create custom GPTs to automate business workflows, focusing on tasks like summarizing meeting notes, generating SEO keywords, and drafting project proposals. The video walks through setting up a custom GPT using ChatGPT Pro, detailing the steps to configure and utilize specific roles and knowledge bases for optimal performance. This automation can significantly streamline repetitive tasks, making it a valuable tool for professionals seeking efficiency in their work processes.

Bear’s take

Creating a custom GPT for your business can be a game-changer, especially for tasks you do repeatedly. Imagine having a virtual assistant that takes care of your meeting notes, generates SEO keywords, and drafts project proposals—all in one go! This tutorial by Roman Martins shows exactly how to set this up. I particularly love the idea of using a GPT as a meeting note assistant. If you're handling meetings several times a week, this can save you a ton of time and ensure consistency. 🚀

What you’ll learn

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a custom GPT tailored to your business needs. Roman Martins breaks down the process of setting up an automated workflow using ChatGPT Pro, which includes:
  1. Understanding the Basics: Learn how custom GPTs work and what features you need to access them.
  1. Step-by-Step Setup: Follow along as Roman sets up a custom GPT, including how to fill it with prompts and relevant knowledge.
  1. Practical Applications: See real-world examples, such as automating the summarization of meeting notes, generating SEO keywords, and drafting project proposals.
  1. Optimization Tips: Gain insights on how to refine and adjust your GPT to meet specific business requirements.
  1. Sharing and Collaboration: Discover how to share your custom GPT with team members for consistent workflow automation.
This guide is perfect for young professionals and non-tech individuals who want to leverage AI to enhance their productivity. The tutorial is easy to follow, making advanced AI technology accessible and practical.

Key steps

  1. Access Custom GPT Features: Ensure you have a ChatGPT Pro account.
  1. Explore GPTs: Navigate to the 'Explore GPTs' section to see existing examples.
  1. Create Custom GPT: Click the 'Create' button and enter the creation window.
  1. Configure GPT: Use the configure tab for detailed setup, including role assignment and task automation.
  1. Upload Knowledge Base: Add relevant documents and structured data to guide the GPT.
  1. Automate Tasks: Set up automated workflows for meeting summaries, SEO keyword generation, and project proposal drafting.
  1. Test and Refine: Run the GPT, verify outputs, and make necessary adjustments.

Next step

  • Experiment with creating your custom GPT for a specific repetitive task you face regularly.
  • Share your custom GPT with colleagues to streamline team workflows.
  • Explore additional features in ChatGPT Pro to further enhance your automation capabilities.

Links or resource

  • 使用场景: 自动化重复性业务任务,例如总结会议记录、生成SEO关键词和撰写项目提案。
  • 工具: 使用ChatGPT Pro功能创建自定义GPT。
  • 学习时间: 30-60分钟即可理解并开始实施这些使用场景。


Roman Martins的教程演示了如何创建自定义GPT以自动化业务工作流,重点是总结会议记录、生成SEO关键词和撰写项目提案等任务。视频详细介绍了如何使用ChatGPT Pro设置自定义GPT,涵盖了配置和利用特定角色和知识库的步骤。此自动化可以显著简化重复性任务,成为专业人士提高工作效率的宝贵工具。


为您的业务创建自定义GPT可以改变游戏规则,特别是对于那些重复进行的任务。想象一下,有一个虚拟助手可以处理您的会议记录、生成SEO关键词和撰写项目提案——这一切都能一次性完成!Roman Martins的教程展示了如何设置这些任务。我特别喜欢使用GPT作为会议记录助手的想法。如果您每周多次召开会议,这可以为您节省大量时间并确保一致性。🚀


在本教程中,您将学习如何创建定制的GPT以满足您的业务需求。Roman Martins详细介绍了使用ChatGPT Pro设置自动化工作流的过程,包括:
  1. 了解基础知识: 了解自定义GPT的工作原理以及需要哪些功能来访问它们。
  1. 分步设置: 跟随Roman的步骤设置自定义GPT,包括如何用提示和相关知识填充它。
  1. 实际应用: 查看实际示例,如自动化会议记录总结、生成SEO关键词和撰写项目提案。
  1. 优化技巧: 获得如何调整和优化GPT以满足特定业务需求的见解。
  1. 分享与合作: 了解如何与团队成员分享您的自定义GPT,以实现一致的工作流程自动化。


  1. 访问自定义GPT功能: 确保您拥有ChatGPT Pro账户。
  1. 探索GPT: 导航到“探索GPT”部分以查看现有示例。
  1. 创建自定义GPT: 点击“创建”按钮并进入创建窗口。
  1. 配置GPT: 使用配置标签进行详细设置,包括角色分配和任务自动化。
  1. 上传知识库: 添加相关文档和结构化数据以指导GPT。
  1. 自动化任务: 设置会议记录总结、SEO关键词生成和项目提案撰写的自动化工作流。
  1. 测试和优化: 运行GPT,验证输出并进行必要的调整。


  • 尝试为您经常面对的特定重复性任务创建自定义GPT。
  • 与同事分享您的自定义GPT以简化团队工作流程。
  • 探索ChatGPT Pro中的其他功能以进一步增强您的自动化能力。


Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
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