Special report: how design agencies are actually using AI in 2024

Special report: how design agencies are actually using AI in 2024

How top design agencies use AI to boost creativity, streamline workflows, and deliver stunning visuals efficiently.

Jul 10, 2024
How top design agencies use AI to boost creativity, streamline workflows, and deliver stunning visuals efficiently.
How top design agencies use AI to boost creativity, streamline workflows, and deliver stunning visuals efficiently.
  • Use Case: Enhancing the creative process in design agencies by using AI for idea generation, visual concept creation, and art direction.
  • Tool: MidJourney, ChatGPT, DALL·E, Runway, and other generative AI tools.
  • Time for Learning: Approximately 15-20 minutes


In the article "Special Report: How Design Agencies Are Actually Using AI in 2024" by Tom May, AI’s integration into creative processes is thoroughly examined. Creative agencies are utilizing generative AI tools like MidJourney and ChatGPT to aid in idea generation, concept visualization, and art direction. While AI streamlines various tasks and speeds up workflows, the human touch remains crucial for refining and perfecting final outputs. Agencies emphasize that AI is a tool to enhance creativity, not replace it. The report highlights multiple real-world applications and the importance of maintaining a balance between AI efficiency and human creativity.
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An AI-generated fictional character created by Billion Dollar Boy as part of their creative process

Bear’s take

This article is a fantastic read, offering a glimpse into how AI is transforming the creative industry. It’s clear that while AI can handle a lot of heavy lifting, the real magic happens when human creativity and AI capabilities are combined. The key takeaway is to identify which tasks AI can efficiently manage and where human insight is indispensable. And remember, always add a human layer to AI-generated content to ensure it truly resonates. 🚀✨
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Image created by Interstate using MidJourney. The prompt was: Long exposure photo of bilbao guggenheim in the night (Gradient variation extrapolated from designed gradient)

What you’ll learn

From this content, you’ll learn how AI is currently employed by design agencies to enhance their creative processes. The article provides insights into various applications, such as generating initial visual concepts, assisting in art direction, and creating mood boards. You’ll discover that AI tools like MidJourney and ChatGPT are invaluable for brainstorming and ideation, but the final creative touch still requires human intervention. Additionally, the article discusses the balance between using AI for efficiency and the necessity of human creativity to refine and perfect the outputs. By understanding these dynamics, you can appreciate how AI can be a powerful ally in creative projects, boosting productivity and expanding creative possibilities.
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Image created by Poppins using MidJourney.


  1. On AI's Role in Creative Processes:
    1. "It's all about communicating intangible ideas in our heads to brands on a screen. AI tools like MidJourney have streamlined this ideation process and brought creative ideas to life." - Henry Crisp, Billion Dollar Boy
  1. On the Human Element in AI-Generated Content:
    1. "AI is an amazing collaborator, but do not expect it to solve your problem and provide you with a beautiful and finished piece of design. To get truly unique results that hit the brief dead on, human intervention is necessary." - Dom Desmond, Grayling
  1. On AI's Efficiency and Limitations:
    1. "Like any tool, it's important that this usage is meaningful and grounded with a big idea to avoid it becoming a gimmick. Heinz is a great example of using AI in a really clever way to celebrate the strength of as an icon." - Rob Skelly, Born Ugly

Next step

  • Explore AI Tools: Sign up and experiment with AI tools mentioned in the article.
  • Participate in AI Competitions: Engage in creative competitions to further understand AI’s capabilities.
  • Share Experiences: Join communities or forums to discuss and learn from other creatives using AI.

Links or resource

  • 应用场景: 通过使用AI进行创意生成、视觉概念创建和艺术指导,提升设计公司的创意流程。
  • 工具: MidJourney, ChatGPT, DALL·E, Runway等生成式AI工具。
  • 学习时间: 约15-20分钟


在Tom May的文章《特别报道:2024年设计公司如何实际使用AI》中,详细探讨了AI在创意流程中的整合。创意公司利用MidJourney和ChatGPT等生成式AI工具来辅助创意生成、概念可视化和艺术指导。虽然AI简化了各种任务并加速了工作流程,但人类的参与对于完善和精炼最终作品仍然至关重要。公司强调,AI是用来增强创造力的工具,而不是替代它。报告中介绍了多个实际应用案例,并强调了在AI效率和人类创造力之间保持平衡的重要性。
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Billion Dollar Boy创意过程中生成的AI虚构角色


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  1. 关于AI在创意流程中的作用:
    1. “这都是关于将我们脑海中的无形想法传达给品牌。像MidJourney这样的AI工具简化了这个创意生成过程,并将创意想法变为现实。” - Henry Crisp, Billion Dollar Boy
  1. 关于AI生成内容中的人类元素:
    1. “AI是一个惊人的合作者,但不要指望它能解决你的问题并提供一个美丽的、完成的设计作品。要获得真正独特的、完全符合要求的结果,人类的干预是必要的。” - Dom Desmond, Grayling
  1. 关于AI的效率和局限性:
    1. “像任何工具一样,重要的是这种使用是有意义的,并且基于一个大创意,以避免它变成一个噱头。亨氏是一个很好的例子,展示了如何巧妙地使用AI来庆祝作为一个图标的力量。” - Rob Skelly, Born Ugly


  • 探索AI工具: 注册并体验文章中提到的AI工具。
  • 参与AI竞赛: 参加创意竞赛,进一步了解AI的能力。
  • 分享经验: 加入社区或论坛,讨论并学习其他使用AI的创意者的经验。


Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
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