Turn Articles into Podcasts with AI in Minutes!

Turn Articles into Podcasts with AI in Minutes!

How to use AI to convert articles into podcast conversations

Jun 5, 2024
How to use AI to convert articles into podcast conversations
How to use AI to convert articles into podcast conversations 利用AI将文章在几分钟内变成播客!
Use case: Learn AI, AI for work, AI for content creation, AI for marketing
Tool: ChatGPT, HearTheWeb
Time for learning: 9 mins

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What you will learn

In this video, I experiment with an AI tool that converts articles into podcast conversations. Watch as I transform my blog post into a dynamic podcast episode featuring two virtual co-hosts. 在这个视频中,我试验了一款将文章转换为播客对话的AI工具。看我如何将我的博客文章变成一个由两个虚拟联合主持人呈现的动态播客节目。我将带你一步步了解从登录到创建节目的过程,并分享我对最终结果的看法。如果你对利用AI进行内容创作感兴趣,那么这个视频绝对不容错过!

Key steps

Introduction to the AI podcast creation tool Logging in and setting up the account Creating an episode with AI-generated co-hosts Adding my blog post content Listening to the AI-generated podcast Thoughts on the podcast’s quality and natural conversation flow Exploring the pricing and credit system Final thoughts and potential use cases for the tool
AI播客创作工具简介 登录并设置账户 使用AI生成的合作主持人创建一集节目 添加我的博客文章内容 收听由AI生成的播客 对播客质量和自然对话流程的想法 探索定价和积分系统 最终思考以及该工具可能的用途
