Remove Image Backgrounds with These Free Tools!

Remove Image Backgrounds with These Free Tools!

How to easily remove the background from your images using two free AI tools

Jun 7, 2024
How to easily remove the background from your images using two free AI tools
How to easily remove the background from your images using two free AI tools 免费工具帮你轻松去除图片背景!
Use case: Learn AI, AI for creativity, AI for content creation
Tool: Background Erase, ScanThing
Time for learning: 2 mins

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What you will learn

In this video, I demonstrate how to easily remove the background from your images using two free tools: ScanThing and Background Erase. Whether you’re looking to create clean images for an online store or just want to tidy up your photos, these tools make the process quick and simple.
在本视频中,我演示了如何使用两个免费工具:ScanThing 和 Background Erase,轻松去除图片背景。无论你是想为在线商店创建干净的图片,还是只是想整理照片,这些工具都能让过程变得快捷简单。

Key steps

  • Introduction to background removal tools
  • Using ScanThing from the App Store
  • Example: Removing background from an image
  • Using Background Erase website
  • Example: Removing background from Keanu Reeves’ image
  • Before and after comparisons
  • Final thoughts and recommendations
  • 背景去除工具简介
  • 在App Store中使用ScanThing
  • 示例:从图像中移除背景
  • 使用Background Erase网站
  • 示例:从基努·里维斯的图像中移除背景
  • 前后对比
  • 最终思考和建议


  • ScanThing
  • Background Erase