How I Would Learn Spanish in 2024 (If I Could Start Over)

How I Would Learn Spanish in 2024 (If I Could Start Over)

Discover the most effective methods to learn a new language and become fluent in 2024 using tried-and-tested strategies.

Aug 5, 2024
Discover the most effective methods to learn a new language and become fluent in 2024 using tried-and-tested strategies.
Discover the most effective methods to learn a new language and become fluent in 2024 using tried-and-tested strategies.
  • Use Case: Learning a new language effectively using various methods.
  • Tool: Duolingo, Netflix, language immersion, online lessons, language exchange apps, and more.
  • Time for Learning: Varies by method; typically, 30 minutes to several hours per week.

Video preview


This video provides a comprehensive ranking of 24 language learning methods, from apps like Duolingo and Netflix to immersive experiences and online lessons. The creator shares personal insights from going from zero Spanish knowledge to passing the C2 Spanish Mastery Exam. Methods are evaluated based on cost, ease, and effectiveness, offering viewers a clear understanding of which approaches are worth their time and money. The video aims to help viewers find affordable, effective strategies to achieve language fluency.

Bear’s take

Some tips from this video are truly practical. Personally, I believe getting instant feedback from another person is key to learning a foreign language. Ensure you do this in a safe environment but make it as realistic and challenging as possible. This helps build confidence and fluency quickly. 🌟

What you’ll learn

In this detailed guide, you'll explore various language learning methods and their effectiveness. The video ranks 24 methods, providing insights into their costs, ease of use, and how well they help you achieve fluency. You'll learn about popular apps like Duolingo, which is great for beginners but may not take you to fluency, and immersive experiences like living abroad, which can be highly effective but costly. The video also covers modern AI tools like ChatGPT and custom GPTs, showing how technology can enhance language learning.
By the end of the video, you'll have a clear idea of which methods suit your learning style, budget, and time constraints. You'll also discover unconventional methods like using video games, starting a YouTube channel, and leveraging VR for immersive practice. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge to choose the best language learning approach for your needs, making your journey to fluency more structured and efficient.

Key steps

  1. Identify Your Goals: Determine what fluency means to you and your timeline for learning.
  1. Evaluate Methods: Review the video’s ranking of methods based on cost, ease, and effectiveness.
  1. Choose Your Tools: Select a combination of methods that fit your budget and learning style.
  1. Consistency is Key: Dedicate regular time to practice using your chosen methods.
  1. Seek Feedback: Engage with native speakers or tutors to get real-time feedback and improve your skills.

Next step

  • Explore the top-ranked methods and try a few to see which work best for you.
  • Consider using a mix of methods, such as combining Duolingo for daily practice with online lessons for structured learning.
  • Join language exchange communities to practice speaking and get feedback.
  • Use technology like ChatGPT to practice writing and reading in your target language.

Links or resource

  • 使用案例: 使用多种方法有效地学习新语言。
  • 工具: Duolingo、Netflix、语言沉浸、在线课程、语言交换应用等。
  • 学习时间: 因方法而异,通常每周30分钟到数小时。








  1. 确定你的目标: 确定流利对你意味着什么,以及你的学习时间表。
  1. 评估方法: 根据视频中对方法的成本、易用性和效果的排名进行评估。
  1. 选择你的工具: 选择符合你的预算和学习风格的方法组合。
  1. 坚持不懈: 定期花时间练习使用你选择的方法。
  1. 寻求反馈: 与母语者或导师交流,获取实时反馈并提高你的技能。


  • 探索排名靠前的方法,尝试几种看看哪些对你最有效。
  • 考虑使用多种方法组合,如结合Duolingo进行日常练习和在线课程进行结构化学习。
  • 加入语言交换社区,练习口语并获得反馈。
  • 使用ChatGPT等技术练习目标语言的写作和阅读。