Newsletter 1 / Think step by step

Newsletter 1 / Think step by step

This journey of adoption and application is a step-by-step process, much like learning anything new.

Jul 31, 2024
I’m thrilled to be writing the very first newsletter for “Bear with AI”—a project that began as a simple folder on my computer last year and has now blossomed into a full-fledged website and newsletter.
You may have already stumbled upon a post on website where I shared my motivations and perspectives on learning about AI. Here’s one more thought: throughout history, groundbreaking technological shifts have often been driven by a select few before becoming mainstream. Similarly, while fully understanding AI’s underlying theories and functionalities can be daunting, requiring extensive expertise, I believe AI is a transformative tool that empowers us to accomplish tasks previously limited by time, effort, and resources.
By applying AI in practical use cases, we can begin to reap its benefits. This journey of adoption and application is a step-by-step process, much like learning anything new. And, it also gets us to a prompt tip →
Today’s Tip: When using any language model, adding “think step by step” to your prompt. The result would be much better than before. Give it a try—I’m eager to hear how it works for you!
Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey.

The 5 cool things I want to share this week:
  • How I'd Learn AI in 2024?
  • Transform Videos into Blogs with ChatGPT
  • Master AI Voice Generation with 11 Labs
  • Remove Image Backgrounds with 2 Free Tools!
  • Summarise anything with AI Ghost Reader in Readwise Reader

新闻通讯 1 / 一步一步思考
我很高兴能为“Bear with AI”写第一份新闻通讯——一个去年还只是我电脑上的一个简单文件夹的项目,现在已经发展成了一个完善的网站和新闻通讯。
通过在实际用例中应用AI,我们可以开始获得它的好处。这一采用和应用的过程是一步一步的,就像学习任何新事物一样。此外,这也给我们带来一个提示词技巧 →

  • 2024年我会如何学习AI?
  • 使用ChatGPT将视频转换为博客
  • 使用11 Labs掌握AI语音生成
  • 用两个免费工具去除图片背景!
  • 使用Readwise Reader中的AI Ghost Reader总结任何内容