Newsletter 2 / If something happens twice, optimize the flow!

Newsletter 2 / If something happens twice, optimize the flow!

A while ago, I learned a great tip from a developer I worked with: if any task needs to be done more than once, find a way to automate it.

Aug 1, 2024
A while ago, I learned a great tip from a developer I worked with: if any task needs to be done more than once, find a way to automate it. It's a brilliant idea, though sometimes you need to balance the time spent figuring out the automation.
I'm not a developer, but I still apply this principle. For instance, I use keyboard shortcuts on iOS to save time when typing addresses, phone numbers, or other repetitive info.
Now, I also use ChatGPT in a similar way with the personalized GPT feature. I used to create prompts for specific tasks, like translating messages with my tone, and handle similar tasks in one conversation.
But recently, I discovered I can create my own GPTs to handle these tasks more efficiently. For example, I have a "TitleGPT" that helps me come up with titles from my input. I just type my message, and TitleGPT generates 2-3 fitting titles.
It's like having a bunch of assistants on hand.
Here's a tip: when in a ChatGPT conversation, just type "@", followed by your GPT's name, and you can start a conversation with that GPT.
notion image
Are there any tasks at work or in your life that you do repeatedly and could be optimized like this?
Here’re five cool things I’d like to share with you today 🙂
  • How to Build an AI-Driven YouTube Strategy in Just 10 Minutes
  • Communicate Better with an AI Assistant: Here's How You Can Build One
  • Top 10 Prompts in Adobe Firefly - Ai Generated Effects for Logo & Text
  • With AI, Anyone Can Be a Coder Now | Thomas Dohmke | TED
  • Create a GPT-4 Omni Chatbot for Your Business Without Coding

新闻通讯 2 / 如果某事发生两次,就要优化流程!
以下是我今天想分享的五个很酷的内容 🙂
  • 如何在短短10分钟内构建AI驱动的YouTube策略
  • 使用AI助手更好地沟通:以下是你可以构建一个的方法
  • Adobe Firefly的十大提示 - 用AI生成的Logo和文字效果
  • 有了AI,任何人都可以成为程序员 | Thomas Dohmke | TED
  • 为你的企业创建一个无需编码的GPT-4全能聊天机器人