Newsletter 4 / Which one is made by AI?

Newsletter 4 / Which one is made by AI?

AI opens up many possibilities, but we should lead the way.

Aug 8, 2024
Two images here. Can you guess which one is made by AI?
You might think, "Obviously, the right one." But here's the twist: I made both images, with AI helping out on the right one.
Let me explain. I spent about 10 to 15 minutes sketching on the beach during our weekend trip. I loved the composition and the chill vibe in those moments and tried to capture that in my sketch. Then, I used an AI tool called Freepik(a similar text-to-image tool to Dall-E or MidJourney). I described the feeling I wanted, and it generated a few versions. I then input my sketch, tweaked it a bit, and voila, I got the right image. Both images reflect my style and composition. So, I made both of them.
This is a good example of how knowledge workers can collaborate with AI. AI opens up many possibilities, but we should lead the way. It means that 'traditional' skills valuable to knowledge workers, like connecting the dots, knowing what you want, detecting and describing feelings, and understanding different approaches or styles, are still crucial. They are even more important than mastering the tool itself.
That's my #BearwithAI thought for today.
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Here’re five cool things I’d like to share with you today 🙂
  • Why I Chose Dall-E 3 Over MidJourney for AI Image Creation
  • Face Off: Instant AI Face Swap Explained Step by Step
  • The Journey of building an AI Startup in 48 Hours and sold for $65,000
  • GPT-4o Is Here – 5 Ways Your Prompts Need To Change
  • With Spatial Intelligence, AI Will Understand the Real World

你可能会想,“显然是右边那张。” 但有个转折:这两幅画都是我创作的,只是右边那幅有AI的帮助。
这是知识工作者如何与AI合作的一个好例子。AI开辟了许多可能性,但我们应该引领方向。 这意味着对于知识工作者来说,传统技能仍然重要,比如连接点、知道你想要什么、检测和描述感觉、理解不同的方法或风格。这些技能甚至比掌握工具本身更重要。
  • 为什么我选择Dall-E 3而不是MidJourney进行AI图像创作
  • 面对面:即时AI换脸分步解释
  • 在48小时内建立并售出价值65,000美元的AI初创公司的旅程
  • GPT-4o来了——你的提示词需要改变的五种方式
  • 通过空间智能,AI将理解真实世界