How to Practice Your English LIVE with ChatGPT

How to Practice Your English LIVE with ChatGPT

Transform your English speaking skills by using ChatGPT as a real-time conversation partner.

Jul 19, 2024
Transform your English speaking skills by using ChatGPT as a real-time conversation partner.
Transform your English speaking skills by using ChatGPT as a real-time conversation partner.
  • Use Case: Practicing spoken English through real-time conversations with ChatGPT.
  • Tool: ChatGPT (voice function in the app).
  • Time for Learning: Approximately 30 minutes to set up and start practicing.

Video preview


In this video, Luke demonstrates how to use ChatGPT's voice function to practice spoken English. By setting up specific prompts, users can have meaningful, balanced conversations with ChatGPT, simulating interactions with a native speaker. This approach is beneficial for improving fluency, preparing for exams, and enhancing conversational skills. Luke also emphasizes the importance of clear prompts to guide ChatGPT in providing relevant feedback and maintaining a productive dialogue.

Bear’s take

ChatGPT’s voice feature can be a game-changer for those looking to improve their spoken English. It’s like having a conversation with a native speaker on demand. By customizing prompts, you can ensure that ChatGPT asks the right questions and keeps the conversation flowing. This method is particularly useful for practicing for exams like IELTS or simply boosting your everyday English skills. Give it a try and see how much your confidence grows! 🌟

What you’ll learn

In this tutorial, you will learn how to effectively use ChatGPT as a tool to improve your spoken English. Luke walks you through setting up specific prompts that instruct ChatGPT to act as a conversation partner. This method helps you practice speaking on various topics, receive feedback, and keep a balanced conversation without ChatGPT dominating the talk. You will also understand how to customize the tone and style of your conversations to match your preferences, making the practice sessions more enjoyable and productive. Additionally, the video explains how to utilize ChatGPT's conversation history feature to review and analyze your practice sessions, allowing you to track your progress and identify areas for improvement. Whether you're preparing for an English exam or looking to enhance your everyday speaking skills, this practical approach offers a flexible and effective way to practice English using AI.

Key steps

  1. Set Up Prompts: Define clear prompts to guide ChatGPT's responses.
  1. Customize Conversation: Choose topics and set the desired tone for interactions.
  1. Start Practice: Begin the conversation in the ChatGPT app using the voice feature.
  1. Review Conversations: Use the conversation history to review and get feedback on your performance.
  1. Adjust Prompts: Modify prompts as needed to focus on different aspects of your English practice.

Next step

  • Download the ChatGPT app and explore the voice function.
  • Create a list of topics and prompts tailored to your interests and practice needs.
  • Regularly review your conversation history to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.
  • Consider enrolling in courses that offer deeper insights and advanced techniques for using AI to improve English skills.

  • 使用场景: 通过与ChatGPT进行实时对话来练习英语口语。
  • 工具: ChatGPT(应用中的语音功能)。
  • 学习时间: 大约30分钟来设置并开始练习。








  1. 设置提示: 定义明确的提示以引导ChatGPT的响应。
  1. 自定义对话: 选择话题并设置对话的期望语气。
  1. 开始练习: 在ChatGPT应用中使用语音功能开始对话。
  1. 回顾对话: 使用对话历史回顾并获得表现反馈。
  1. 调整提示: 根据需要修改提示,以关注英语练习的不同方面。


  • 下载ChatGPT应用并探索语音功能。
  • 创建一个话题和提示列表,以适应您的兴趣和练习需求。
  • 定期查看您的对话历史,监控进度并进行必要调整。
  • 考虑报名参加提供更深入见解和高级技巧的课程,以利用AI提高英语技能。

Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
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