Summarise anything with AI Ghost Reader in Readwise Reader

Summarise anything with AI Ghost Reader in Readwise Reader

One click for the essence of any videos, newsletters, or articles with Readwise Reader

Jun 7, 2024
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With just one click, I can get the essence of any videos, newsletters, or articles in my native language. I'm using a customized ReadWise summary prompt. I will show you why and how to do that in this video.



My Prompt

重要提示:如果原文有作者名和来源信息,请在总结时,直接使用作者名和来源的信息进行概要,而不要使用“作者”代称。例如:“Tim Ferriss在播客“Tim Ferriss Show 203”中,分享了3个关于……” 关于中文的排版原则:请根据语义,分出相应的自然段。 请根据以下步骤,请以简体中文对文档进行整理、重构、要点提炼: 第一步:整理与重构 仔细阅读全文,理解文章的主旨、脉络和议题 将文章内容按主题进行归类,形成层次分明、逻辑清晰的结构 对归类后的各部分内容进行语言润色,使行文更加通顺、简洁 尽可能保留原文的所有关键信息、数据和细节,力求做到信息零损失 在各部分内容前加入恰当的标题,便于读者快速索引与定位 第二步:要点提炼 在整理重构的基础上,提炼出3-5个核心要点 每个要点由一个主要论点和2-3个支撑性论据组成 论据应来自于原文,能够有力佐证论点,起到画龙点睛之效 要点应全面涵盖文章的核心论题,彰显文章的主旨和价值 要点表述应简明扼要,避免冗长累赘,突出重点、一语中的 第三步:提取资源 找出文章中提及的工具、人物、书籍、文章或是其他涉及的资源 对每个资源给出200字内的简要阐释,点明其独到之处 提供资源的链接 另外,在阅读此文章时,我对以下部分进行了高亮,认为这些是文章的重点,给你学习参考: {% for highlight in document.highlights %} - {{ highlight.content }} {% endfor %} {#- 下面的 if-else 逻辑检查文档的长度。如果文档较长,它将使用关键句子以避免超出 GPT 提示窗口的限制。我们强烈建议除非您知道自己在做什么,否则不要更改此设置。-#} {% if (document.content | count_tokens) > 2000 %} {{ document.content | central_sentences | join('\n\n') }} {% else %} {{ document.content }} {% endif %} 基本格式: """ 标题:{{ document.title }} 作者:{{ }} 来源:{{ document.domain }} 概要: 核心要点: 资源: """ 输出格式要求: 正文部分,以"概要"为标题 要点提炼部分,以"核心要点"为标题,各要点用"要点1""要点2"等加以标示 资源部分,以“资源”为标题 各部分之间用markdown语法分割,确保层次清晰、美观大方 其他要求: 输出内容需包含以上三部分,并按照"输出格式要求"指定的顺序排列 在正式输出之前,请对整个回答再通读一遍,检查是否有任何错别字、标点误用或者语病等,力求做到完美无瑕 在输出内容之后,请给出对于文中提到的内容,你的下一步行动建议。简洁说明2-3个行动即可。



1. show me the result

With just a click, I get the essence of any videos, newsletters, articles, in my native language. I’m using a customised Readwise summary prompts. In this video I’ll show you why, how to do that. Stay tuned.

2. intro

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the channel! Today, we're diving into a powerful tool for staying ahead in a world flooded with information. Like many of you, I struggle to keep up with the latest trends due to the sheer volume of content available. That’s where Readwise Ghost Reader comes in."
imagine if you could absorb the essence of any article or video without spending hours on it?

3. Problem

  • My reading list is overflow!
  • AI is growing fast. Hard to catch. New ways to get information. Skipped reading is not enough.
  • Those content don’t need carefully read. I want to filter the real valuable stuff for me.
  • Non native speaker, 30% speed, also easier to get tired - System 1.

4. Solution

  • Readwise reader is my content hub. Summary feature is good, but not informational for me. Now it can customised.
  • Native language. Summary, bullets, resource.
  • 2 mins to check.

5. Demo

  • Go to Readwise reader → preference, prompts.
  • test with video, article, and newsletters.

5. Shout out

  • Raymond, Janet.

6. Limitations

  • No podcasts. Cut off the summary sometimes.

7. You can customise it too!

  • Summarise in 3 sentences start with emoji