# Weekly thoughts on AI


Newsletter 5 / Intention is your human superpower to compete with AI

Aug 9, 2024

We often use AI as a fancy toy to generate compositions from existing patterns. But without intention, we don’t create original, powerful outcomes.

Newsletter 4 / Which one is made by AI?

Aug 8, 2024

AI opens up many possibilities, but we should lead the way.

Newsletter 7 / Can AI truly boost your productivity?

Aug 3, 2024

Is AI for productivity just an illusion, like the hallucinations ChatGPT sometimes produces?

Newsletter 3 / AI has the design industry changed forever, and that's a good thing

Aug 2, 2024

Suppose you're genuinely professional and confident in the value you create. In that case, AI can help you work more efficiently, better, and faster.

Newsletter 2 / If something happens twice, optimize the flow!

Aug 1, 2024

A while ago, I learned a great tip from a developer I worked with: if any task needs to be done more than once, find a way to automate it.

Newsletter 1 / Think step by step

Jul 31, 2024

This journey of adoption and application is a step-by-step process, much like learning anything new.

Newsletter 6 / Two Lessons Learned from Failed AI Experiments

Jul 22, 2024

I want to share two examples of using AI that didn't go as planned. Initially, they seemed promising, but after some exploration and sharing, they fell flat.