How I Trick GPT-4o — Psychologically

How I Trick GPT-4o — Psychologically

Discover how psychological techniques like priming and anchoring can significantly influence AI responses, revealing the importance of human oversight.

Jul 4, 2024
Discover how psychological techniques like priming and anchoring can significantly influence AI responses, revealing the importance of human oversight.
Discover how psychological techniques like priming and anchoring can significantly influence AI responses, revealing the importance of human oversight.
  • Use Case: Understanding and leveraging psychological priming to influence AI responses.
  • Tool: ChatGPT (GPT-4)
  • Time for Learning: Approximately 10-15 minutes to read and understand the concept.



In this intriguing article, Andrew Best demonstrates how he uses psychological priming to influence ChatGPT's responses. By providing different ratings for the same article before asking ChatGPT for its opinion, Andrew shows how the AI's rating changes based on the initial input it receives. This experiment highlights the importance of understanding AI biases and the need for human oversight in AI applications. Andrew encourages readers to conduct their own experiments and shares insights into how AI can be both powerful and gullible.

Bear’s take

Andrew’s experiment is a fascinating example of how psychological techniques can influence AI responses. It reminds us that while AI can be incredibly useful, it's not infallible and can be swayed by human input. This is a powerful lesson for anyone using AI: always add a human layer to ensure objectivity and accuracy. By being aware of these influences, we can better understand and mitigate AI's limitations. 🧠✨

What you’ll learn

This article provides a deep dive into the psychological concepts of priming and anchoring and their surprising effects on AI responses. Priming refers to the influence of initial information on subsequent judgments, while anchoring involves setting a reference point that biases future decisions. Andrew Best illustrates these concepts with a practical experiment using ChatGPT.
By rating an article positively or negatively before asking for ChatGPT’s evaluation, Andrew shows how the AI's responses align closely with the initial input. This demonstrates that AI, like humans, can be influenced by preceding information, making its outputs less objective than expected.
Understanding these psychological influences on AI can help users become more critical of AI-generated content and ensure they add a layer of human judgment. This knowledge is crucial for anyone relying on AI for decision-making, content creation, or other applications where objectivity is key.

Key steps

  1. Understand Priming and Anchoring: Learn the basics of these psychological concepts and how they affect human and AI judgment.
  1. Set Up the Experiment: Use ChatGPT to evaluate an article, providing different ratings beforehand to see how the AI’s response changes.
  1. Analyze Results: Compare the AI’s ratings and comments based on the different priming inputs.
  1. Reflect on Implications: Consider how these findings affect your trust in AI outputs and the importance of human oversight.

Next step

  • Conduct Your Own Experiments: Try similar tests with different prompts and contexts to see how ChatGPT responds.
  • Stay Critical: Always question AI outputs and consider the potential biases introduced by your inputs.
  • Explore More on AI: Subscribe to AI newsletters, join forums, and engage with content to deepen your understanding of AI capabilities and limitations.

Links or resource

如何通过心理技巧欺骗 GPT-4o

了解如何利用启动效应和锚定效应等心理技巧显著影响 AI 的反应,揭示人类监督的重要性。
  • 用例: 了解并利用心理启动效应来影响 AI 的反应。
  • 工具: ChatGPT (GPT-4)
  • 学习时间: 大约10-15分钟阅读和理解概念。


在这篇有趣的文章中,Andrew Best 展示了他如何使用心理启动效应 (priming) 来影响 ChatGPT 的反应。通过在询问 ChatGPT 对文章的意见之前对同一篇文章提供不同的评分,Andrew 显示了 AI 的评分如何根据其接收到的初始输入而改变。这项实验突显了理解 AI 偏见的重要性以及 AI 应用中需要人类监督的必要性。Andrew 鼓励读者进行自己的实验,并分享了 AI 如何既强大又易受影响的见解。

Bear 的看法

Andrew 的实验是一个令人着迷的例子,展示了心理技巧如何影响 AI 的反应。它提醒我们,虽然 AI 非常有用,但它并非无懈可击,并且可以被人类输入所左右。这对于任何使用 AI 的人来说都是一个重要的教训:始终添加一层人类的监督以确保客观性和准确性。通过意识到这些影响,我们可以更好地理解和缓解 AI 的局限性。 🧠✨


本文深入探讨了启动效应 (priming) 和锚定效应 (anchoring) 的心理概念及其对 AI 反应的惊人影响。启动效应指的是初始信息对后续判断的影响,而锚定效应涉及设置一个参考点以偏向未来的决定。Andrew Best 用一个实际实验来说明这些概念,使用 ChatGPT 来进行操作。
通过在询问 ChatGPT 的评价之前对一篇文章进行正面或负面的评分,Andrew 显示了 AI 的反应如何紧密跟随初始输入。这表明 AI 和人类一样,可以受到先前信息的影响,使其输出比预期的更不客观。
了解这些对 AI 的心理影响可以帮助用户更批判地看待 AI 生成的内容,并确保添加一层人类判断。这些知识对于依赖 AI 进行决策、内容创作或其他需要客观性的应用非常重要。


  1. 了解启动效应和锚定效应: 学习这些心理概念的基础知识以及它们如何影响人类和 AI 的判断。
  1. 设置实验: 使用 ChatGPT 来评估一篇文章,预先提供不同的评分以观察 AI 的反应如何变化。
  1. 分析结果: 比较 AI 基于不同启动输入的评分和评论。
  1. 反思影响: 考虑这些发现如何影响你对 AI 输出的信任以及人类监督的重要性。


  • 进行自己的实验: 尝试使用不同的提示和上下文进行类似的测试,看看 ChatGPT 的反应如何。
  • 保持批判: 始终质疑 AI 输出,并考虑你的输入可能引入的偏见。
  • 深入探索 AI: 订阅 AI 新闻简报,加入论坛,并参与内容以加深你对 AI 能力和局限性的理解。

Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
Check my learnings at Bearwith.AI, and subscribe to my newsletter for more awesome AI tips: newsletter.bearwith.AI 🐻 & 🤖