These Websites Generate Online Courses in Minutes!

These Websites Generate Online Courses in Minutes!

Discover how to use AI tools to create engaging online courses quickly, focusing more on content and less on technicalities.

Jul 23, 2024
Discover how to use AI tools to create engaging online courses quickly, focusing more on content and less on technicalities.
Discover how to use AI tools to create engaging online courses quickly, focusing more on content and less on technicalities.
  • Use Case: Creating and selling mini or micro online courses efficiently using AI tools.
  • Tool: Courseau, LearningStudioAI, and Mini Course.
  • Time for Learning: 30-45 minutes to grasp the basics and start creating your course.

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This tutorial provides an overview of how to use AI tools to create and sell online courses efficiently. It covers three main tools: Courseau, LearningStudioAI, and Mini Course, each offering unique features for developing mini or micro courses. The video emphasizes the importance of spending more time on content creation while utilizing these tools to streamline the course development process. The tutorial is ideal for coaches, entrepreneurs, and marketers aiming to enter the e-learning market with minimal hassle.

Bear’s take

I love how this tutorial emphasizes balancing time between content creation and using tools. It's tempting to dive into the latest tech, but your course's success hinges on the quality of the content. Spend 70% of your effort crafting valuable lessons and 30% exploring tools like Courseau, LearningStudioAI, and Mini Course. These tools can simplify the technical aspects, allowing you to focus on what matters most – delivering great content. 🚀

What you’ll learn

From this tutorial, you’ll gain insights into how to create online courses using AI tools that simplify the process. Here's a detailed look at what you’ll learn:
  1. Introduction to Courseau: This tool is ideal if you have existing content like YouTube videos or podcasts. You'll learn how to repurpose these materials into a structured online course. Courseau allows for the creation of mini courses (6-8 lessons) and lets you customize the branding and format.
  1. LearningStudioAI Overview: This tool provides a different approach by generating course content in a blog-like format. It’s suitable for creating detailed and comprehensive courses on various subjects. You'll see how it creates logical sequences of content, including quizzes and practical exercises.
  1. Using Mini Course: This tool offers flexibility with its card-based system, allowing you to create interactive mini courses. You’ll learn how to add images, videos, and AI-assisted content to your lessons, making them engaging and easy to navigate.
  1. Practical Tips for Course Creation: The video emphasizes the importance of focusing on content quality. It suggests spending the majority of your time developing meaningful and valuable lessons, while using these tools to handle the technical details.
  1. Comparison of Tools: You'll understand the pros and cons of each tool, helping you decide which one best fits your needs and goals for creating and selling online courses.

Key steps

  1. Choose a Tool: Decide between Courseau, LearningStudioAI, or Mini Course based on your needs.
  1. Sign Up and Set Up: Register and set up your account on the chosen platform.
  1. Upload Content: Add your existing content (videos, PDFs, etc.) or create new content directly within the tool.
  1. Customize Branding: Adjust the branding and design elements to match your course’s theme.
  1. Generate and Edit Course: Use the AI tools to generate the course structure, then refine and edit the content as needed.
  1. Add Interactivity: Incorporate quizzes, images, and videos to enhance engagement.
  1. Publish and Share: Publish your course and share it via platforms like Gumroad or Payhip, or use the embedded links provided by the tools.

Next step

  • Experiment with each tool to find the best fit for your course creation needs.
  • Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content before diving into tool features.
  • Share your courses on multiple platforms to reach a wider audience.
  • Explore additional videos and resources to refine your online course selling strategy.

Links or resource

  • 使用场景: 高效地使用AI工具创建和销售微型或小型在线课程。
  • 工具: Courseau, LearningStudioAI, 和 Mini Course。
  • 学习时间: 30-45分钟掌握基础知识并开始创建您的课程。


本教程概述了如何使用AI工具高效创建和销售在线课程。它涵盖了三个主要工具:Courseau, LearningStudioAI 和 Mini Course,每个工具都提供了开发微型或小型课程的独特功能。视频强调了在利用这些工具简化课程开发过程的同时,把更多时间花在内容创作上。该教程非常适合希望以最小的麻烦进入在线学习市场的教练、企业家和营销人员。


我喜欢这个教程强调了在内容创作和工具使用之间的时间平衡。虽然尝试最新的技术很有吸引力,但课程的成功取决于内容的质量。将70%的精力放在创造有价值的课程上,30%用于探索像Courseau、LearningStudioAI和Mini Course这样的工具。这些工具可以简化技术方面,让您专注于最重要的内容——提供优质内容。🚀


  1. Courseau介绍: 如果您有现成的内容如YouTube视频或播客,这个工具非常适合。您将学到如何将这些材料重新利用为结构化的在线课程。Courseau允许创建6-8节课的迷你课程,并让您自定义品牌和格式。
  1. LearningStudioAI概述: 这个工具通过生成类似博客格式的课程内容提供了不同的方法。它适合创建各种主题的详细和全面的课程。您将看到它如何创建内容的逻辑顺序,包括测验和实际练习。
  1. 使用Mini Course: 这个工具通过卡片式系统提供了灵活性,让您创建互动的迷你课程。您将学到如何向课程中添加图片、视频和AI辅助内容,使课程更具吸引力且易于导航。
  1. 课程创建实用技巧: 视频强调了内容质量的重要性。建议将大部分时间用于开发有意义和值得的课程,而使用这些工具处理技术细节。
  1. 工具比较: 您将了解每个工具的优缺点,帮助您决定哪一个最适合您的需求和目标。


  1. 选择工具: 根据您的需求选择Courseau, LearningStudioAI或Mini Course。
  1. 注册并设置: 在选定的平台上注册并设置您的账户。
  1. 上传内容: 添加现有内容(视频、PDF等)或直接在工具中创建新内容。
  1. 自定义品牌: 调整品牌和设计元素以匹配您的课程主题。
  1. 生成和编辑课程: 使用AI工具生成课程结构,然后根据需要进行细化和编辑。
  1. 增加互动性: 添加测验、图片和视频以增强参与度。
  1. 发布和分享: 发布您的课程并通过Gumroad或Payhip等平台分享,或使用工具提供的嵌入链接。


  • 试验每个工具,找到最适合您课程创建需求的工具。
  • 专注于创建高质量、吸引人的内容,然后再深入研究工具功能。
  • 在多个平台上分享您的课程,以接触更广泛的受众。
  • 探索更多视频和资源以完善您的在线课程销售策略。


Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
Check my learnings at Bearwith.AI, and subscribe to my newsletter for more awesome AI tips: newsletter.bearwith.AI 🐻 & 🤖