Why & When You Should be Using Claude over ChatGPT

Why & When You Should be Using Claude over ChatGPT

Learn when to use GPTs or Claude Projects to maximize efficiency in your AI-driven tasks, whether you’re coding, writing, or sharing AI tools with others.

Aug 21, 2024
Learn when to use GPTs or Claude Projects to maximize efficiency in your AI-driven tasks, whether you’re coding, writing, or sharing AI tools with others.
Learn when to use GPTs or Claude Projects to maximize efficiency in your AI-driven tasks, whether you’re coding, writing, or sharing AI tools with others.
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  • Use Case: Understanding when to use ChatGPT’s GPTs or Anthropic’s Claude Projects based on your specific needs.
  • Tool: ChatGPT and Claude Projects.
  • Time for Learning: 10-15 minutes


This video compares OpenAI's GPTs within ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude Projects, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages for various tasks. GPTs offer advanced tooling like data analysis, image generation, and web browsing, making them ideal for repetitive and shared tasks. In contrast, Claude Projects are better for managing larger projects, especially in coding and writing, with a more human-like tone and a larger context window. The video provides insights into when each tool is most effective, helping users decide which to use based on their specific project needs.

Bear's Take

This video is a great guide for anyone confused about when to use ChatGPT's GPTs versus Claude Projects. Personally, I find that Claude often delivers better content, especially when writing or coding, thanks to its more human-like tone. However, GPTs shine with their versatility and are perfect for building custom solutions that you can easily share with others. It's all about trade-offs—understanding what each tool excels at will help you make better decisions and get the most out of AI in your everyday tasks. 🐻

What You’ll Learn

In this video, you’ll learn the key differences between GPTs and Claude Projects, focusing on their unique strengths and when to use each. GPTs within ChatGPT offer a range of tools like data analysis, image generation, and web browsing, making them perfect for tasks that require these features. They also allow for easy sharing of AI models, which is great for collaborative work. On the other hand, Claude Projects are better suited for more extensive projects where you need a more organized approach, such as coding or writing projects with multiple components. The video also touches on the superior tone and style of Claude’s outputs, which many users find more natural and human-like. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to leverage each tool effectively based on the nature of your project.

Key Steps

  1. Evaluate Your Task: Determine whether your task is better suited for the advanced tools and sharing capabilities of GPTs or the organized, human-like responses of Claude Projects.
  1. Use GPTs for Repetitive or Shared Tasks: Opt for GPTs if you need tools like data analysis, image generation, or if you want to share your AI models with others.
  1. Choose Claude Projects for Complex Projects: If your project involves coding, writing, or requires multiple chats and documents, Claude Projects might be more effective.
  1. Mix and Match: For the best results, consider using both tools where appropriate, leveraging their strengths to complement each other.

Next Step

  • Experiment with both GPTs and Claude Projects for different tasks.
  • Share a GPT you’ve created with a colleague to see how it enhances collaboration.
  • Start a new project in Claude and upload relevant documents to experience its superior context handling.

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